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Duvet Cover Fruit

Duvet Cover Fruit

1 450.00 DKK

Farve: Fruit

Farve: Butterfly
Farve: Fruit



Dette sengetøj er lavet af et superblødt kvalitetsstof kaldet muslin eller gaze. Det er konstrueret af et finere, lettere garn og har en løsere struktur. Det gør det nødvendigt at bruge et dobbelt lag stof, samtidig med at det er åndbart og blødt at røre ved.

Duvet Cover Fruit

This bedding is made out of the softest muslin cotton fabric that we could possibly find! Our unique print together with the luxurious quality of organic cotton fabric, makes us want to never get out of bed. The duvet covers have corozo buttons at the bottom for both closure and to keep the duvet in place, while the pillow cases have an inside pocket to keep the pillow in place. The duvet covers has one side in a solid color and the other with a pattern.Copyrighted print
  • Muslin texture
  • Buttons at bottom to close and holes at top corners to easyier put duvet inside

100% GOTS-certificeret økologisk bomuld


Materiale: Portugal Fiber: Indien

Maskinvask ved maks. 40 °C
Må ikke bleges
Medium strygning med vrangen ud
Tørretumbler lav
Vaskes indefra og ud med lignende farver

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