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Tailored Unit

FSM - Industria de Confeçoes SA

Lousada, Portugal




130, 94 Frauen und 36 Männer


Das Familienunternehmen mit Sitz in Lousada, Portugal hat 1979 als kleiner Hemdenhersteller angefangen und ist seitdem stetig gewachsen. Durch die Erweiterung ihrer Produktpalette, Investitionen in Spitzentechnologien und die kontinuierliche Schulung ihrer Techniker liefern sie stets Kleidungsstücke und Produkte von hervorragender Qualität.


Letzte Aktualisierung 2024.

Unsere Beschäftigten in der Fabrik

How long have you been working as a seamstress?

I've been working for 35 years. Since I was 12 years old.

How did you start working in textile and clothing production?

I started with my mother. She had a pedal sewing machine, and I liked to go to the machine... she encouraged my love of sewing. I started working on a straight stitch machine, attaching labels.

What is the most enjoyable part of your work?

I like a little of everything. To make a piece, I always have the incentive to do it well.

What is your favorite item to make/produce?


A fun fact about you?

In my free time, I am an esthetician.

What are your interests? What do you like to do in your free time?

Esthetics, resting, hiking.

Something you are proud of?

I am proud of being a mother.

How long have you been working as a seamstress?

I have been working for 40 years.

How did you start working in textile and clothing production?

I was curious about working in sewing. I started with a cutting and sewing machine and just kept going.

What is the most enjoyable part of your work?

Seeing the finished piece. Seeing that I was able to make the piece.

What is your favorite item to make/produce?


A fun fact about you?

In addition to my love of sewing, I also collaborate on weekend event decoration, such as weddings, communions, etc. It's something else I enjoy!

What are your interests? What do you like to do in your free time?

Event decoration and hiking.

Something you are proud of?

I am proud of who I am.