S - 162 cm
M - 164 cm
XS - 168 cm
XS - 168 cm
XXL - 172 cm
XL - 180 cm
XL - 180 cm
L - 151 cm
S - 162 cm
Button Up Cardigan Black
Our Button Up Cardigan has exaggerated long sleeves and one button closure at the neckline. It is made of 100% certified organic cotton and is the perfect throw-on cardigan over any outfit.
- Corozo button closure at the neckline
100 % sertifisert økologisk bomull
Fibre: India
Garn: Portugal
Ikke bruk blekemiddel
Må strykes på lav varme
Tåler ikke tørketrommel
Tåler rens
Maskinvaskes på maks. 30°C
Løs passform
Lange ermer