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Prato, Italy

Grunnlagt i



6 kvinner og 2 menn


Den italienske fabrikken ble grunnlagt i hjertet av tekstilområdet Prato og spesialiserer seg på strikkeplagg for damer i ulike tykkelser. Det er drevet av et lite og lidenskapelig team og de har en solid base for håndverksprodukter som fortsatt blomstrer i dag.

De har en solid produksjonskapasitet på rundt 25 000 enheter per måned og alt er laget i Italia. Gjennom en sterk samarbeidsrelasjon med de viktigste italienske garnleverandørene holder de seg oppdatert på de nyeste materialene, fargene og motetrendene gjennom kontinuerlig research.



Sist oppdatert i 2022.

Meet our factory workers

How long have you worked as knit technician?

More than 35 years

How come you started working with textile/knitwear and garment production?

My mother was already working with a knitwear machine; she is the one who passed the passion for garment production on to me.

What is the most fun part of your job?

To create a whole style from just a sketch on paper.

What is your favorite item to make/produce?

I like all kinds of knitwear. Honestly, I do not prefer a specific style.

Fun fact about yourself?

I cannot keep still

What are your interest?

I’ve a collection of all kinds of Angels.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

love to spend time with the many friends I have. I also enjoy reading novels and gardening.

Something that you are proud of?

Myself, what I have achieved over the years and where I am today.

How long have you worked at this factory?

Since 2003

How come you started working with textiles/knitwear?

It was love that brought me from Amsterdam to Italy back in the 80's. Prato was a fast growing city, with the textile industry leading its economic fervor. That’s where my long lasting relationship with knitwear started. I think of our knitwear as a warm hug in which people can feel comfortable and beautiful.

What is the most fun part of your job?

It’s fun and rewarding to create unique pieces people will fall in love with. Seeing clients happy with their purchases is the greatest satisfaction.

What is it like to work with Djerf Avenue?

I find it exciting to work with a brand that is trying to revolutionise the fashion industry by making it more inclusive. We are proud to be part of the project and support its mission, also when it comes to sustainability. No other brand has the same priorities as DA. Considering inclusivity and sustainability so highly is a challenge we are proud to undertake.

Which is your favorite Djerf Avenue item?

The Bateau Neck Sweater (and the new DA items we are developing for this winter)

How do you think it is different to work with Djerf Avenue compared to other brands?

Our collaboration with DA is very transparent and smooth. There is no interest in exploitation and fairness is key. DA makes us feel an integral part of the brand’s mission.

What do you think is important to achieve a good working environment in a garment factory?

Taking every endeavour step by step and never forget to show your appreciation towards the people around you. Valuing people’s need is a cornerstone of the long-term sustainability of our factory.

What do you think is important to do to produce clothes with sustainability in mind?

Avoid wastage, encourage recycling and use organic products made to last. We need to grow beyond seasonality in fashion.