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23. Win a Gift Card

As the season of Djerfmas comes to a close, we have one last surprise behind our final door...

We are so excited to announce that we will be giving 1 lucky angel a chance to win a Djerf Avenue gift card worth 1000 USD!

For a chance to win:

  • Create an Angels Avenue account, then create a styleboard with the title “2023 DA Looks”. Please be sure to add stylepins of your favorite DA looks and outfits from this year to your new styleboard.

  • Once you’ve uploaded your stylepins, send an email to with a link to your styleboard.

  • Our giveaway opens on Saturday, December 23rd and the deadline for all submissions is Friday, December 29th. All winners will be contacted via email during week 1 of 2024.

We can’t wait to see your stylepins on Angels Avenue! Wishing you luck and holiday cheer, xx 🤍